I was going to lie and say that I grew this gorgeous herb garden from seedlings...but those of you that know me, would know that it wasn't true (I bought it with Amanda at the farmers market). I don't exactly have a green thumb- the houseplant/gardening world is a mystery to me...in fact, I think it's quite overwhelming and that makes me anxious. Some plants are just so fickle. With all of that said, I'm excited to report that I've had some minor success with a plant. I bought a Serrano pepper plant about 3 weeks ago. At the time of purchase there was one lonely and sad looking pepper, but as I type this there are currently 12 good sized peppers growing, along with several new buds. This is both exciting and unexpected...like I said before, I'm no plant growing sensei. I may have to accredit this success to Chad, he's been plant-sitting for a little over a week...and he is in fact a plant sensei. He tends a gorgeous Phalaenopsis Orchid and has the ability to harvest underwater plants from local lakes and then replant them in his aquarium. I find this amazing. Pepper plant photos upon pickup...
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